Львы стерегут город
Moving along the route
Start of the route
How to get there?
Laval's House
# St. Petersburg, Angliyskaya Nabarezhnaya, 4

«Lions guard the city» route

# 6.263 km.
# 3 hours

Many statues of lions have become part of urban traditions. Try your luck, make a wish touching you like most.

Description: the route is dedicated to one of the unofficial symbols of the city - the Lion. It enlightenes visitors about legends connected with these gracious animals, made in stone.

The route: Griboedova Canal embankment – Lion Bridge and Bank Bridge - Lion on St. Isaak's Cathedral - Admiralteyskaya embankment lions - English embankment Lavaley House - Lying Lions - the spit of Vasilievsky Island - Makarova embankment. Lions at the Customs - Mikhailovsky Castle, Lions as monuments: on the clothes and bas-relief - Petrovskaya embankment, Shi-Tsa Lions. 

Duration of the route: 3 hours. This tour is suitable for children. 

Attractions included in the route