11 January 2023

"Thank you" international Day is a holiday of politeness and gratitude

Сегодня отмечается Международный день «спасибо» — праздник вежливости и благодарности
In modern society, we increasingly forget to thank each other, or do not notice the words spoken to us...

The most polite holiday was conceived as a reminder to us of the power of the "magic" word and polite treatment to each other. Sincere thanks bring a person warm feelings, joy and emotional uplift.

According to the rules of etiquette, you need to thank by looking into one’s eyes. Eye contact allows you to personify the words spoken. It is necessary to pronounce them sincerely and with a kind message.
Historical fact: for many years in Orthodoxy, the concept of "thank you" has been used, which has a very bright meaning — "I give you good."